SILA NEXUS is a strategic intelligence consultancy firm specialised in Middle Eastern affairs and its relations with the Western world. We also have a department dedicated to linguistic and cultural analysis of all Middle Eastern and North African languages and cultures.

Our vision was born out of a desire to create a nexus connecting the sectoral expertise of our strategic intelligence consultants and analysts with the in-depth knowledge of our researchers on the dynamics and relations between the Western and MENA regions. Through this unique approach, we assist our clients in successfully developing interregional projects by delivering cutting-edge and bespoke services.

In recent times, the complexities and fractured nature of the Middle East have come to the fore. As a result, the narrative surrounding the region has become increasingly partisan, leading to polarised debate and policies and hindering the ability to properly tackle these issues or offer viable solutions. Our mission is therefore to challenge and address these issues through our independent experts, to assist our clients through a non-partisan lens. Consequently, we are purposefully discerning regarding the projects we take on as we seek to predominantly work on complex issues where traditional models have failed in order to devise innovative strategies and solutions.

We pride ourselves in having some of the best experts from around the world on these regions, who are all independent from any political affiliation. Our team members are globally diverse and have been carefully selected for their skills, experience and network. They consist of consultants, analysts, journalists, politicians, academics, strategists and businesspeople; all are leaders in their fields and multilingual. In addition, our linguistic and cultural experts are all academics and researchers with lived knowledge and experience of their respective languages and regions.